Expand the "file watcher" capability to the whole vault instead of just the root

[maybe bug, maybe feature rqst]
External creation, deletion & modfications to note files are reflected instantaneously for files in the topmost directory of the vault but go unnoticed for any subdirectories


I’m curious, have you noticed if external subdirectory items changes remain undetected after an Obsidian restart?

Yes, I’ve noticed, and yes, after restart the changes are immediately visible in obsidian

It would be nice not to have to restart. But that is a big relief.

I have now confirmed that this is “standard” behaviour for linux based systems.

A summary of the whole topic can be found at https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/160/watch-files-and-directories-with-electron-framework

As/when people start developing plugins (which will in many cases create new Notes) this will become a significant issue for linux users if not improved.

I would appreciate a statement of intent from the devs on this because if it’s going to be “won’t fix” then I will have to start converting my workflow to use a flat structure. Thanks Nigel.

I want to confirm this bug, still happening for me currently. Linux subsystem on ChromeOS, .deb package based distribution, version 1.0.3.

I also believe that this should be classified as a bug and not a feature request. Obsidian advertises as a basic feature: your data being your own to control on your filesystem as you please, for example, here. The help files even state that “You can freely edit notes in other software, even while having them open in Obsidian.”.

If the app can’t recursively watch subdirectories, it cannot deliver this core advertised feature, so I think this is a bug. This seems like it could be an easy fix by switching to a file watcher library that handles subdirectories on Linux. I believe spacejunky linked one above (chokidar).

I would also appreciate a decision about this from the devs, please, as it will determine whether I adopt Obsidian.