Excalidraw - Could not open ScriptEngine repository (hence could not install script!)


I am having problem with the Excalidraw’s script store, in particular with the “Palette loader” script


When I click the “Install or update script” button, the result is the error “Could not open ScriptEngine repository”.

Partial solution

I went to github in order to download the .md (effective script) and .svg (icon) files of the script.

Now it is working, but it feels to me that there are some problems.

Following problems

I am following the tutorial of Zsolt, but I still cannot manage update automatically the colors in the draw (the plugin does not ask me if I want to repaint the elements)

When loading different palettes of the same size the script should ask you if you want to adapt the color to the whole draw on the new palette

What the script does is changing the palette.

Possible solution

I think the script I downloaded is outdate.

As Zsolt states in the video, is better to dowload from the official store (hence using the install or update script button) but I cannot manage to do that.

Any tips? :smiley:

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