Error with tab, but ok with 4 spaces

Any idea why lists (here, for tags) made with tab

create an error in the properties,

while they work by typing 4 spaces?

(as you can see, the rendering with tab or with 4 spaces is exactly the same)
It makes me sad!
Thanks for your help

Obsidian’s property format is YAML and tabs are forbidden in YAML.

Maybe it’s possible to tweak this with a plugin, though.

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Thanks! I would never have guessed that.
So what’s the trick to adding several tags without having to type spaces (too) many times in the YAML?

If you are in source mode and typing manually, two spaces and a dash <space><space>- is about all you can do (as far as I know).

If you are using the Properties UI to add the tags, Obsidian will take care of all the formatting for you.

Thank you very much.
I just did a search on the files exported from my wordpress that I want to use in Publish, and replaced them with the 4 “correct” spaces!
I’ll see for the rest of my notes as I go along…