Error 'Destination file already exists' when creating new note using quick switcher

There is an error ‘Destination file already exists’ when creating new note inside subfolder using quick switcher (folder/notename):

There is no such an error when creating new notes in the root.


  • Operating system: Catalina 10.15.4
  • Obsidian version: 0.6.4
  • Using custom CSS: no

Additional information

It’s working for me on windows. Can you reproduce this problem?

Something changed in 0.6.5. Here is what I see when I’m trying to create note in existing folder:

And here is what I see when I’m trying to create note in non-existing folder:

@mediapathic, please see if you reproduce this on mac. I can’t on windows.

I do get the second error, which is normal, since you don’t have the folder.

@Valery_Kondakoff We’re working on this right now, and I’ve reproduced your bug and we’re trying to track it down. I have a question: when you get the error message, is the file actually created nonetheless?

@mediapathic I’m not around the computer right now, but I’m pretty sure the file was actually created.

@Valery_Kondakoff Got it. Ok, this seems to be a mac-specific bug, I can reproduce it on my system. We’re on it. Thanks!

This was fixed right?