Efemkay css for Contextual Typography notworking?

It’s just the one I have already posted above :slight_smile:

Yours sincerely


Could you please tell me how I can fix this limited height of the list preview such that it shows three columns instead of this torn apart preview?

@coreSpotz you will need to use the cssclass method for that. see the markdown below. also, #mcl/list-grid is another type of layout than what i think you want. you may actually want #mcl/list-column but this one is dynamic column count based on 200px per column (can be adjusted in style settings).

see gif for better clarity.

cssclass: three-column-list

> [!blank|no-margin]
> - #### Writing Plugins
> 	- [[00 Home|Main Goal 1]]
> 	- [[00 Home|Main Goal 1]]
> 	- [[00 Home|Main Goal 1]]
> 		- Collaboration with Jane
> 	- [[00 Home|Main Goal 1]]
> - #### Learning & System
> 	- random list item

Recording 2023-05-17 at 18.40.06

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Thank you for your answer. But how can I adjust the height of the preview?

I don’t get it. There’s no height to adjust. Only number of columns. If less columns, then generally it will be “taller”

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