Dv.query() or dv.execute() to get output like dv.pages()

Hi need help for my custom view build with dataviewjs. This view is called by a small dataviewjs code line:

await dv.view("notesList", {pages: "", view: "cards"})

I would like to implement DQL inside this dv.view statement like:

LIST FROM "Theologie"

The thing is here, that I don’t need any visual output (like lists, tables). I need an array like the array from the dv.pages() command for interpreting inside my javascript code.

To do this I can write a simple dql string inside my pages parameter:

pages: 'LIST FROM "Theologie"'

This can be executed inside my javascript:

var list = dv.execute(pages)


var list = dv.query(pages)

This works well but gives an incompatible result to execute in further js code because the output is not like dv.pages().

How can I get an array looking like dv.pages() by execute/query a custom dql inside javascript?

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