is it possible to see all my tasks in a Jira like backlog experience, where all the tasks are listed and can be rearranged via drag and drop for prioritization ?
keep in mind i am talking about tasks scattered all over my vault that i will displaying via a query like tasks
I’ve not seen any drag and drop solution for tasks with Tasks or Dataview. WIth Tasks you can open the task for editing from the query, and if you change some parameter related to its sorting it will re-appear in the correct location shortly after closing the edit dialog.
For true drag and drop, there is the KanBan plugin which does work, but the task do need to reside within that file (or you could have notes with the task scattered around and drag and drop those around.
The KanBan inspired plugin CardBoard allows gathering tasks in a KanBan style board, and at some point in the future they’re aiming for drag and drop of tasks. Sadly it’s not been updated for a year or so.
If you’re a coder, you could theoreticaclly use Dataview and change the task text to also include some button (like meta-bind button, or pure javscript on-click buttons) to change some aspect of the task which in turn would cause them to be re-arranged. But it would some coding and a lot of fiddling…
So depending on how advanced of a use case, the easiest variant working today might be to use Tasks to present the tasks within cards and use a multi-card/column layout, and use Tasks edit tasks button/dialog to change the location.