Drag and drop bullet points, items in lists


You can use my plugin Drag-n-Drop for blocks on Github.

Also it’s already available in plugin community list by name “Drag-n-Drop for blocks”.

It was inspired by Logseq drag-n-drop functionality for fast creation of embeds. If you drag-n-drop without modifiers it will create reference to the block, with Shift it will copy whole block.

If you drag inside the same note without modifiers - it will just rearrange blocks



Not mobile compatible :frowning:

it doesnt work for me, I think there is a problem with new version of obsidian


This feature is really important to me as well. I’ve used the drag and drop blocks plugin before, and it was great, but it no longer works for me.

This would be an amazing feature for the Outliner plugin, or it could be built in, which would also be wonderful.

Same for me. I would really like having this feature but the plugin drag-n-drop does not seem to work for me. See Plugin not working at all for me, don't know why · Issue #35 · artem-barmin/obsidian-block-drag-n-drop · GitHub

Hello, you won’t maintain your plugin anymore?

This plugin in is no longer available in the community plugins. Is this something you are still maintaining?

This feature not being available makes me shy away from using Obsidian for quick-list-tasks, such as grocery shopping, because sorting lists is such a hassle.

+1. We need this!

Drag and drop of headings is possible in the outline. Renamed this FR.

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+1, we need this!

It’s not Allow moving items in list :frowning:

If its any help, the “Advanced Tables” plugin has assignable shortcuts for “move row up/down”. What I’m using for now.

This is the only feature I am missing form Logseq right now

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Would like to put in my +1 for this feature as well. I switched to Obsidian as an alternative to Google Keep, and really missing the ability to easily move around checklist items such as a grocery or shopping list. Especially on a mobile device where editing is a little more difficult.

I’d like this as well. But maybe with keyboard support as well. Like in notepad++ of VSC.

Just moved from Logseq to Obsidian, and the lack of drag&drop for lists and outlining is the only letdown I’ve found so far!


Is there any workaround for this in 2024? All I want is to be able to drag and drop list items, and checklist items, in desktop and mobile. I tried all the plugins I could find but none of them work. I’m surprised this doesn’t exist already!


Drag-Drop (or rather, reorder by drag-drop) is quite an important mobile usability feature.

Not many apps have it, but those that have it, are pretty awesome to use on mobile.

Of note, Craft and Notion


I agree, this is crucial feature. I am considering moving to another platform if I can’t manage my lists here.


Surprised no one has mentioned this already, but drag and drop for selected text is a core feature of Obsidian already (at least on macOS). While awkward when rearranging list items, it works.

Big +1 for a better sorting method though, which should also work on mobile.