Documentation about the Re-Indexing Problem of Obsidian

Volunteer here.

Sometimes it happened to me, too in ways I couldn’t explain…

I did many full vault search and replace jobs and it was inevitable, of course.
But if I closed Obsidian too early. Next time I opened the program, it started indexing again.
It is possible that some plugin (do you have DataView, Omnisearch or some other plugin that also does indexing on startup?) hijacks the resources or gets entangled, I do not know. It’s quirky.

It is generally a good idea not to force-close Obsidian (is it possible you are low on RAM or something?) and spend time in the vault and then exit. Then fingers crossed for next launch.

Also, start with a clean slate.
Copy all your plugins to another folder and start with a clean no-community-plugin vault to find the possible culprit (if there is one – I do not know).

Then do this:

  1. Quit Obsidian.

  2. Navigate to the following location:


Delete these folders:

Code Cache

  1. Restart Obsidian

It will reindex your vault for real. Then work in your vault for a while. Close Obsidian. Open Obsidian. If all is well now, close Obsidian again. One by one, copy back the plugins into the vault (.obsidian folder > plugins). Enable the plugins in Obsidian.

It sounds like a lot of work, but one needs to get in the practice is all.