Display a list of current note's outgoing unlinked mentions (candidate forward links)

Just to add: some time ago I have already opened a quite similar feature request:

Especially with a view to the difficulties @ShaneNZ and others have been discussing here, that might be a more useful solution? Because, if I understand correctly, the point here is to quickly discover some already existing related topics that are not (yet) directly linked.

Tags have the advantage that, when creating a note, I can flexibly decide under what broader topics I like to be reminded of that note in the future. If the unlinked outgoing mentions would use tags instead of words, that would solve the problem of possibly listing hundreds of notes where a certain word appears although this word might not be very relevant for the overall content of the note.

Thus, in a certain sense, tags are somehow like aliases for certain terms or topics.

Does that make sense to you, @lucasd?

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