Dear all,
I may add that Abhuva is not entirely correct in stating that there is no need for a fix. My usecase may provide an illustrative example.
I use Obsidian to keep a daily log. I use the templater plugin for different notes during a day and the breadcrump plugin for keyboard navigation. Taken together, both ensure a very smooth workflow. Templater functions provide the opportunity to create a user prompt to adequately name and tag a file - something very important in the rush of the moment. Breadcrump provides navigation through key arrows allowing to easily switch back to my daily top note (where each separate note is automatically linked) or other notes of the day. My worflow, hence, allows me to create different notes for events, properly named and tagged every time as well as navigating forth and back while never taking my hands off my keyboard.
The introduction of tabs has broken the entire workflow. I can either choose to create new notes (strg+n) which opens a new tab and executes templater functions but then navigation won’t work (due to the new tab opening) or I can circumvent the new tab (for example by using the quick switcher). In this case navigation will work but the process won’t trigger the templater functions.
One may want to argue that this might be a plugin-thing. However, as I understand obsidian, one of its major advantages is its versatility, allowing for different workflows for different minds. Introducing tabs, simply excludes the possibility for certain workflows (as described above). Therefore, introducing a “disable tabs option” seems to be an adequate way to ensure opennes.
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