Disable auto-save or change frequency

These numbers are bonkers. If you think you can write character by character (and obsidian doesn’t save character by character btw) 7000 files each containing 50000 characters, you would have produced a text larger than the Encyclopedia Britannica https://www.nytimes.com/1994/02/08/business/44-million-words-strong-britannica-to-join-internet.html#:~:text=To%20organize%20more%20than%20300,%2C%20Calif.%2C%20software%20developer.
You will be worn out before your SSD.

More wear is done in one day and everyday to your SSD when you put your computer to sleep (ram is dumped to ssd to make sure that in case of power failure you can still resume).

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Same here. I would like Obsidian NOT to auto-save my work. I worked hours yesterday on a text on my iPad. When I opened the file today on my laptop, it hadn’t been updated yet. I closed it and when I came back later, both the iPad and laptop had replaced my new work with the older file version, as if the older laptop file was the most recent version. Had it not been for auto-save on the laptop, this would not have happened. I would like to save my work myself, I’m very used to that and have no need for auto save.

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I don’t see how auto-save is the problem if you didn’t change the laptop file. That sounds like a problem with the sync service.

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is there a final conclusion on whether well get a non auto save on obsidian?

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This sounds like a “no” to me: Disable auto-save or change frequency - #35 by WhiteNoise

This is more likely to happen https://forum.obsidian.md/t/editor-add-a-toggle-to-disable-automatic-merging-of-changes-non-obsidian-sync/14874

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I am completely new to Obsidian and love the feature set. One thing that happened to me right out of the gate was file locking (presumably from auto-save and whatever is going on)…caused some folder sync software to fail.

I too, would appreciate a way to have auto-save turned off.


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cant we make it so obsidian uses the computers ram to make changes and observe the changes then when the user clicks on save is the only time itll write in hdd?

also this will slow down your work if your also using cryptomator or other things that encrypt your files

Thanks for the idea, luckily this software available for all platforms, going to check it out!

I made an account specifically because I’m having issues with this. It’s producing too much CPU usage when used with Hugo like the other person above said. It really is the only glaring problem I have with Obsidian as a whole. If it weren’t for that, it would be the perfect notes app.

I’m a bit sad to find out there really isn’t a straightforward solution to the auto save problem. :slightly_frowning_face:


so was wondering if there is still hope to have the feature to disable auto save?


The same issues.
I have OneDrive, it drains my battery and slows down my Mac really fast. Ofc, it is an issues of Microsoft.

In general I noticed that Obsidian is extremely flexible and reliable. You can do whatever you want. I have an allergy reaction on apps written on Electron.js, however there are two exceptions: VSCode and Obsidian.

Now, look! Despite the fact of all this possibilities to customize everything we DO NOT have this simple feature of manual saving. But we are able to store the data and organize it MANUALLY.

One could say this prevents people from losing their data. But it is up to the user to take care about the saving the data as well as creating it. let other people f#ck up, if they want.

I am really annoyed how such a perfectly designed app (update: on there is CANVAS feature, which is amazing!) could have a small annoying flaw, and easily fixable. So, I am constantly turning off my OneDrive for 8 hours.


Popping in to say it just caused an error while Dropbox was syncing and it caused it to save a 0kb file (the contents were lost).

I want to turn auto save off because I don’t want to keep disabling my Dropbox sync to prevent problems just because I want to back up my files.

I just used Dropbox’s file history feature to recover it before the failure. But on top of all the reasons above, I don’t want to have to keep jumping through these hoops just to be able to confidently use Obsidian.


Thanks for the answer!
PS: To be honest, it sounds really horrible like running Tesla on rechargeable AA batteries, which are powered by a steam engine burning wood. :wink:

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I just don’t want that OneDrive syncs my notes every few seconds.

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I decided against putting up a lengthy post about concerns about auto-save, so instead I just request this feature.



This is a revelation for me. I finally understand why I have felt Obsidian being so slow for me, its because of how Obsidian autosaves constantly and OneDrive is having a hissy fit over its syncing.

I love autosave but just a simple setting on how frequent it is would be extremely welcome.

  • Instant (Default)
  • Every N seconds

Until then I will have to either live with it, regularly disable OneDrive syncing or stop using OneDrive.

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I ended up here coming from threads about locking the editing view, after realizing that autosave is the real problem I’m having. I’m currently learning Obsidian and autosave is constantly messing up things for me. I’d love to be able do Ctrl+save a file at some point. Do a bunch of stuff to it and then, if I screwed up, simply close, then open the note again and be back to the last saved stage of my work. Or if this isn’t possible, at list, to have an option to lock a note that i’m done working on. Ideally locking the actual content, not only the view mode. Because I would often want to see source code of the note as a reference, while not being able to destroy it. In fact I’d really, really appreciate both options. Right now I’m kind of scared to use Obsidian at all, and especially for any topic particularly significant for me.

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@Iconca Did you know about the built-in file recovery plugin? It periodically snapshots all your notes so you can go back to previous versions easily. The default is save every 5 min, but you can change that.