Difficulty with Obsidian CSS vs Roam CSS

It looks like it’s from Supercharged Links plugin

Ok. It makes more sense because I didn’t found any particular attribute.
Supercharged is unknown for me. I’ll check it.

Supercharged LInks has included an option to see changes in edit mode. But that hasn’t worked for me either.

i found i had to reload the app for the changes to apply

For me, even reloading the app does’nt work. It works in the preview mode only.

Screenshots will probably help here! Maybe show the snippet you’re testing too.

.markdown-preview-view a[href*=“CLM”] {
color: salmon !important;

.markdown-preview-view a[href*=“CLM”]::before {
content: ":mag_right: ";

This is the most promising snippet that i have tested so far. Thanks to @DEV_Scribbles .

Unrelated to the above, I would like to tell that I have been able to achieve the the following results

using this code

.cm-tag-important, div:not(.CodeMirror-activeline) > .CodeMirror-line span.cm-tag-important {

background-color: red;

border: none;

color: white !important;

font-size: var(–font-size-tag);

text-decoration: none !important;

cursor: pointer;


.cm-tag-important:hover {

color: white;

background-color: var(–text-accent-hover);


.cm-tag-obsidian, div:not(.CodeMirror-activeline) > .CodeMirror-line span.cm-tag-obsidian {

background-color: #4d3ca6;

border: none;

color: white !important;

font-size: var(–font-size-tag);

text-decoration: none !important;

cursor: pointer;


.cm-tag-obsidian:hover {

color: white;

background-color: var(–text-accent-hover);


.tag[href^="#obsidian"] {

background-color: #4d3ca6;


.tag[href^="#important"] {

color: white;

background-color: red;


So, maybe there is a work around for internal links too.

Update : I have got the css given by @DEV_Scribbles to work in editor mode too. I don’t know why it suddenly became active. I am trying to find out. One thing I did was to open a vault in my external HDD rather than on a Google Drive synced folder, as I was doing before.

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