Delete won't work

We strongly recommend you to search the forum with possible keywords before submitting a new bug report. Please also try your repro steps with third-party plugins and custom CSS disabled and see if it’s still reproducible. If it’s an issue with third-party plugins or themes, try contacting the author for help. Once you’ve done the above, delete this line.

Steps to reproduce

Right-click on document. Brings up context menu. I choose delete and nothing happens.

Expected result

Should be able to delete a note.

Actual result



  • Operating system: Mac Big Sur
  • Obsidian version:
    Where to find it? Downloaded last week.

Additional information

I’m a brand new user working to understand how Obsidian works. Thought it was me, but my friend agrees that it’s not what should be happening. I deleted one install of Obsidian and redownloaded hoping it would help.

post a screen recording of this happening in the help vault

You can open the settings by either hitting Cmd-, (Cmd-Comma) or there is a little gear icon at the bottom left of the app.

In the settings, you’ll see “About” and there it will show the version.

Just in case you downloaded from the App Store, you may have accidentally downloaded the iOS version. Some people did that, and the app doesn’t behave as expected. Make sure to download Obsidian from the Obsidian website if you’re running on MacOS.