Day Planner Mermaid Gantt Chart Parse Error

Hi All,

I’m trying to use Day Planner in my daily notes with a template and keep getting Parse Errors from the Mermaid Gantt Chart part of the plug in.

The errors seem to relate to times I have in the note when there is a time such as 11:00 without any content following the time.

Here is the error message that displays:
Error parsing Mermaid diagram!

Parse error on line 6:
…tion Tasks : 11-00, 120mm te
Expecting ‘EOF’ , ‘SPACE’, ‘NL’, ‘dateFormat’, ‘inclusiveEndDates’,
‘topAxis’, ‘axisFormat’, ‘excludes’, ‘includes’, ‘todayMarker’, ‘title’,
‘acc_title’, ‘acc_descr’, ‘acc_descr_multiline_value’, ‘section’
‘taskTxt’, ‘click’, ‘open _directive’, got 'taskData!

If I open the code block of the error message, it shows:

dateFormat HH-mm
axisFormat %H: %M
%6%6 Current Time: 10:14:16 AM
section Tasks
: 11-00, 120mm
test2 : 13-00, 0mm
section Breaks

Here is what I have as the template:

Questions for the day

3 Big Things To Do


  • [ ] 08:00
  • [ ] 09:00
  • [ ] 10:00
  • [ ] 11:00
  • [ ] 12:00
  • [ ] 13:00 test2
  • [ ] 14:00
  • [ ] 15:00
  • [ ]

Often if I add content to the time that the error message states such as

11:00 -

the Gantt chart will display fine with out an error message but then might display a parse error message about a time further down in the note.

Things I have tried

Creating variations of templates with different times, unlinking and re-linking the daily planner to the note, skipping lines between the times, searched for info in the forum, searched for info in google, searched for info on youtube, read the notes for daily planner on Github.

Thanks for any ideas about what might be happening and what I can do to fix it so that I can include a template of a list of times and add content as needed for each day.

What I’m trying to do

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