Yes, I looked at it
And not a single working example
DataviewJS Snippet Showcase - #132 by ellieEffingMae - everything by meta bind and button - nothing that would work
Responsive Views? Filtering & Sorting for tables · Issue #218 · blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview · GitHub - (exactly what I needed was requested) there is no answer and no working solution
Create button using javascript meta-bind - #2 by sanyaissues - the solution does not work + it is unclear how it can change the sorting of the dataviewjs table
Using metaedit, buttons, templater, nldates and dataview together - #7 by vishae - the author scored on dataviewjs because of the flicker and decided to wait for datacore (which will be released in how many years? If at all it will be released)
Etc .
In general, nothing useful
The most working option here is It is possible to add a search bar in dataviewjs · blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview · Discussion #1175 · GitHub - use properties to control filtering and sorting - but this is a crutch
And now let’s compare this situation with the solution for the data analysis language, where the table is sorted in columns by DEFAULT, as I need it: DT: An R interface to the DataTables library
And the functionality has not been added to the front-end js, has it?
Maybe someone has a working solution that allows you to perform basic sorting and filtering of the table?