What I’m trying to do
Create a dataview-table of tasks, with columns
- Task Text (without start-date and scheduled date)
- Link to the task with Link-symbol instead of link-text
- Start of task
- Scheduled
Things I have tried
1. approach:
I tried it with dataview:
Tasks.text AS "Task ",
link(Tasks.section, "🔗") AS "Link",
Tasks.start AS "Start",
Tasks.scheduled AS "Scheduled"
From "Projects"
FLATTEN file.tasks AS Tasks
Where !Tasks.completed
Where contains(Tasks.text, "#ms")
SORT default(Tasks.start, "") ASC
and got this result:
=> I did not manage to delete the start-date und scheduled date out of the dataview-table
2. approach:
I tried it with dataviewjs:
const myTasks = dv.pages('"Projekte/8473 Brühl (empact)"').file.tasks
dv.header(2, "Tasks")
dv.table(["Task","Link","Start","Scheduled"], myTasks
.filter(t => !t.completed)
.sort(t => t.date)
.map(t => [t.text.replace(/[📅⏳🛫⏫🔼🔽].*$/, ''), t.link, t.start, t.scheduled]))
and got this result:
=> I did not managet to replace the link-text by a link-symbol
Could someone please help me with one of the two approaches?
Thanks in advance,
kind regards