I’ve creating a movies DB with DataView + jx-script for loading info about movie + Templates.
Thanks FromSergio and kepano for tutorials and work.
My template is:
poster: "{{VALUE:Poster}}"
genre: {{VALUE:genreLinks}}
runtime: "{{VALUE:Runtime}}"
scoreImdb: "{{VALUE:imdbRating}}"
year: {{VALUE:Year}}
type: "{{VALUE:typeLink}}"
cast: {{VALUE:actorLinks}}
director: {{VALUE:directorLink}}
watched: false
And I’ve a couple of questions:
The fields “cast” or “genre” are becoming an option field with a multiply selection. It’s ok and I like it, but if I click on that item I’ll automation create a note, but I don’t want it.
How can I stay it in this form but without create note from it?
The field “myRating”, I’d like to open my movie note and select it from variants:
and etc. Or select this option right in table view, if it possible.
How can I do it in that template?
Thank you!