Dataview table Group by field

Things I have tried

I have this method of making a dataview list that’s sorted/grouped by a certain field which becomes unlinked headers in the list with the establishments nested underneath each District.

"**" + District + "**<br>" + join(, "<br>")
WHERE contains(file.folder, this.file.folder) AND location
GROUP BY District

Similarly I could also do a table of establishments but I don’t just want a District column of largely redundant information. I like how I can group the dataview list.

Table without id
District, AS place, Type, Affiliation
WHERE contains(file.folder, this.file.folder) AND location

But attempt to group just results in empty rows

"**" + District + "**<br>" + join(, "<br>")
WHERE contains(file.folder, this.file.folder) AND location
GROUP BY District

so how do I actually group the rows?

What I’m trying to do

I want the table formatted like the list so instead of having a district column, I want the rows grouped into district clusters that are labeled by the district name. I don’t necessarily care whether the label is a dedicated row with the establishments nested below each one or if the District headers are off to the side.

You probably do not want “WITHOUT ID” if using “GROUP BY”. The column removed by “WITHOUT ID” is where the groups go.

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