What I’m trying to do
Create Covey task review page that shows
- High urgency and high priority tasks
- Low urgency and high priority tasks
- High urgency and low priority tasks
- Low urgency and low priority tasks
At present, I’m working on dataview tables for 1 and 3 and I’m stuck on 3.
Things I have tried
Here’ the ‘high urgency and high priority’ dataview task search that works.
WHERE !completed
WHERE contains(status," ")
WHERE contains(tags, "#todo")
WHERE (date(today) <= due)AND (due <= date(today) + dur(2 day)) OR (date(today) <= scheduled) AND (scheduled <= date(today) + dur(2 day))
WHERE contains(text,"⏫") OR contains(text,"🔺")
For the high urgency and low priority tasks, I thought I could do the same search with ‘!contains(text,“”)…’. While this does produce a table, it shows all tasks due or scheduled within the timeframe regardless of priority. For clarity, here is the dataview task search.
WHERE !completed
WHERE contains(status," ")
WHERE contains(tags, "#todo")
WHERE !contains(tags, "#waiting")
WHERE (date(today) <= due)AND (due <= date(today) + dur(2 day)) OR (date(today) <= scheduled) AND (scheduled <= date(today) + dur(2 day))
WHERE contains(!text,"⏫") OR !contains(!text,"🔺")