Dataview search to find non-urgent and low priority tasks

What I’m trying to do

Create Covey task review page that shows

  1. High urgency and high priority tasks
  2. Low urgency and high priority tasks
  3. High urgency and low priority tasks
  4. Low urgency and low priority tasks

At present, I’m working on dataview tables for 1 and 3 and I’m stuck on 3.

Things I have tried

Here’ the ‘high urgency and high priority’ dataview task search that works.

WHERE !completed
WHERE contains(status," ")
WHERE contains(tags, "#todo")
WHERE (date(today) <= due)AND (due <= date(today) + dur(2 day)) OR (date(today) <= scheduled) AND (scheduled <= date(today) + dur(2 day))
WHERE contains(text,"⏫") OR contains(text,"🔺")

For the high urgency and low priority tasks, I thought I could do the same search with ‘!contains(text,“:arrow_double_up:”)…’. While this does produce a table, it shows all tasks due or scheduled within the timeframe regardless of priority. For clarity, here is the dataview task search.

WHERE !completed
WHERE contains(status," ")
WHERE contains(tags, "#todo")
WHERE !contains(tags, "#waiting")
WHERE (date(today) <= due)AND (due <= date(today) + dur(2 day)) OR (date(today) <= scheduled) AND (scheduled <= date(today) + dur(2 day))
WHERE contains(!text,"⏫") OR !contains(!text,"🔺")

Edit as I’ve realised the errors in the final dataview search on the last line. Note that this still shows the high priority tasks in the results.

WHERE !completed
WHERE contains(status," ")
WHERE contains(tags, "#todo")
WHERE !contains(tags, "#waiting")
WHERE (date(today) <= due)AND (due <= date(today) + dur(2 day)) OR (date(today) <= scheduled) AND (scheduled <= date(today) + dur(2 day))
WHERE !contains(text,"⏫") OR !contains(text,"🔺")

I’ve managed to fix it by breaking the final line into two and getting rid of the ‘Or’ operator. I’m open to thoughts if this could be improved.

WHERE !completed
WHERE contains(status," ")
WHERE contains(tags, "#todo")
WHERE !contains(tags, "#waiting")
WHERE (date(today) <= due)AND (due <= date(today) + dur(2 day)) OR (date(today) <= scheduled) AND (scheduled <= date(today) + dur(2 day))
WHERE !contains(text,"⏫")
WHERE !contains(text,"🔺")