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Use case or problem
I am always accidentally clicking on a working data view that I copied from a coder. Then, it does not work and I am searching for the original code. I mess up the code and do not know how to repair it. I wish there were a way for coders to write code with obvious blanks for the non-coder to fill in.
Another problem as a non-coder; I am so often not sure where I should be filling in the blanks and what is needed. If the interface had a number to indicate the fill in the blank space, then I could read their explanation of what goes there.
If the rest of the code could be locked, I could avoid bumbling mistakes. Of course, coders want to fiddle with that other code because they know what they are doing. I as a non-coder do not want to touch any code that a coder has made. Locked code would be great.
I imagine a data view code with blank numbered windows where I need to fill in the search parameters. It’s like a plastic sheet over a beautiful painting where my few my-note-specific brush strokes are needed in the openings of the plastic sheet. You lock what a non-coder should not touch.
I want pre-fabricated dataview. A page of them that I could paste is what I need would seem to be enough for a coder, but not for a clumsy non-coder. In my notes, to look for something specific to that note, I need some kind of Fisher Price unbreakable toy. My needs are fairly simple. I am looking for tags, links and specific words in a specific order or in random order. I want them in a tag or a list. But that choice could be one of the numbered windows. More savvy people would probably be looking for more. But just the basics would be great for me!
Proposed solution
Provide the interface in a community plugin.Current workaround (optional)
I have a page of dataview inquiries which as I said, I click on the wrong place and ruin. I waste a lot of time with this stupidity.Related feature requests (optional) I see lists of dataview samples, but as I said, I am unsure what goes where in each use case. So, I have a hard time using these.
The request is probably not made because coders do not have this problem. Only smart people use dataview in Obsidian. I want Dataview for dummies.When using an illustration programs, you place a mask over the parts that you do not want the user to touch. I want a mask like those illustration programs. I want a coder to make the mask, and I want better instructions as to what goes in each of the fill-in-the-blank spaces using numbers over the blank spaces.