Dataview, list tasks filtered by text

Hello, I’m new over here so sorry if this is not the correct place to ask ^^’ I’ve been digging into obsidian and its plugins for some days and I’m migrating my things from a previous system. There is something I would like to do with dataview, any help would be appreicated.

What I’m trying to do

I’m trying to have a Tasks note with a dataview block in it that displays tasks that have a link to this note.

The idea is that I can leave todos in any note in my Vault and if I write [[Tasks]] in the todo it would show up on the Tasks note. But only if I add that Tasks link!
This would help me keep the todos in their right context while having a central place to not forget about them.


- [ ] This should show up [[Tasks]] 
- [ ] This shouldn't show up

Things I have tried

task from [[Tasks]]
where contains(task.text,

The first line is fine, it gathers tasks from notes that link to the Tasks note. This is fine because the todos will have a link to it.
But then I want to filter the tasks that don’t explicitly have the link themselves, since the link may be anywhere else in the page.

I get

Query returned 0 results.
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Why not use tags like #tasks instead of [[Tasks]]?

I don’t mind that, but does it help?

The main thing is that I want a way to get only specific tasks that have “something” on them as opposed to all the tasks on my vault.

where contains(“task.text”,
try add “”

That still gives me the same issue.

task from [[Tasks]]
where contains("task.text",

Query returned 0 results.

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