Dataview how to remove total number of tasks on the title

Hi everyone, I really enjoyed Obsidian as my productivity tools!
However, I have a problem which is quite rare since I use Obsidian.

Things I have tried

I am trying to list all my task list from all the files inside the vault except 1 folder. I worked out just fine, but there is a number appeared which I don`t know how to remove it.

task from -"Day Planners"
where !completed
group by

What I’m trying to do


As you see from the image above, there is number “7”, indicating the total number of tasks which I never wanted it to be there. Any ideas where the number come from? Any idea how to remove it?

Thank you, my fellow Obsidian users.

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There’s something weird with your theme.
The number is a built-in dataview feature, but in your case there’s some conflict with the theme. The normal output in default theme is something like this (a small number inside brackets):

In DQL queries the only way to remove it is via css snippet

.dataview.small-text {
  display: none;

I see, it appears with bracket in my phone as you showed.
Thank you for the snippet, it works!

Have a nice day, cheers!

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