Hi all,
What I’m trying to do
I want to filter all the notes in a vault using two criteria: the first is the actual creation date of the file (file.ctime.day), while the second is the file name. Basically, I want to display all the notes created in past years on the same month and day as today in a table, and so far I’ve been able to do this, but only with two separate queries.
Things I have tried
On one hand, I have correctly filtered all the notes that start with ‘yyyy-mm-dd’: this query works, and this is the code:
TABLE WITHOUT ID file.link as "Titolo", substring(file.name, 0, 4) as "Anno"
from ""
where contains(file.name, dateformat(date(today), "MM-dd"))
and substring(file.name, 0, 4) < dateformat(date(today), "yyyy")
sort substring(file.name, 0, 4) desc
On the other hand, I also filter all the notes that have file names different from ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, like this:
TABLE WITHOUT ID file.link as "Titolo", dateformat(file.cday, "yyyy") as "Anno"
WHERE file.ctime.month = date("today").month AND file.ctime.day = date("today").day AND file.ctime.year != date("today").year
SORT file.ctime.year DESC
Everything works correctly, but I obviously get TWO tables. I would like the two filters to create a single table. Given the logic of how the first filter is built, I cannot add an ‘OR’ to the ‘WHERE’ line and then copy the second criterion, because otherwise, in the ‘YEAR’ column, I will see the first four letters of the file name, not the actual creation year of the note, which should instead be extracted from ‘cdate’.
Can someone help me?