Dataview and frontmatter properties

I’ve a note template that includes a property called Ämne:

  - "[[Artificiell intelligens]]"
  - "[[Juridik]]"

I’m trying to create a query to list all instances of the inline field t from files with Juridik as value for Ämne:

TABLE t AS Tanke 
FROM "05 Källor"
WHERE contains(Ämne, "[[Juridik]]")

But this query returns an empty table. Why?

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Could you try this syntax:

TABLE t AS Tanke 
FROM "05 Källor"
WHERE contains(Ämne, [[Juridik]])
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Thanks! I thought I already had tried all variants – but apparently not! :slight_smile:

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Alternatively, you could also use contains(Ämne, link("Juridik"))