Daily note copy

Use case or problem

I’m using the daily note as a hub for my notes because of the convenience of CTRL + T hotkey.
The problem is that I have to copy the contents everyday manually.

Proposed solution

It would be great if there is an option to copy the contents from the most recent daily note when today’s daily note is generated.

Or, a hot key which can be assigned to a specific note might be an alternative way for this purpose.


I really like your idea.

Maybe it would also be possible to have yesterday’s items within headings be copied into their respective headings for today. This leads me to a few other ideas which I will spare you from. Instead, I will go create a feature request and then return here and link to it. Here’s the link: Added Daily Note Functionality


This plugin says it lets you quickly to starred files with keyboard shortcuts. I haven’t tried it but it meets the description of your alternative implementation.

Thank you for the information.
I’ll try it if it fits for my purpose.