January 23, 2024, 11:14pm
You can drag & drop a file from outside Obsidian holding Ctrl
(Windows/Linux) or Option
(mac) creating an absolute link to the file. Is that what you mean? It will end up looking like this (on Windows):
![dragged image.png](file:///C:%5CUsers%5CUSERNAME%5CDesktop%5Cdragged%20image.png)
More examples here:
Linking to external files is mentioned in the drag and drop help documentation
Hold Ctrl on Windows/Linux or Option on macOS to create file:/// absolute links to those files instead of importing a copy.
but there aren’t any examples of the options available. I’ll write up a request to add some examples to the official help documentation, but for the time being, here’s a list I’ve collected.
external link to file (Windows) →
[link text](file:///C:\Users\USER\Desktop\file.txt)