Custom font styles and dynamically apply them for cross-script (Latin-Tibetan) readibility

Use case or problem

When typing Tibetan it would be nice to show it larger than the latin because when you stack characters like རྒྱུ་ it’s hard to read.

Proposed solution

After trying to write a plugin to add classes that increase the font size and being able to select and toggle the text into larger font, I abandoned the idea because still within the editor, when you are on that text line the default editor font size is used, and it’s only when you focus out that you can see the multiplied font size.

So I propose being able to define custom formats, in the same way there’s “Bold”, “Italics”, etc… Maybe one called “Larger”.

And this is too specific for my case but having rules on when to apply them would be nice, e.g. “When you detect a character within the unicode range X, use the Larger style until there’s one character that falls outside of that range”.

Sorry if this is too specific or sounds stupid, I just would love to be able to mix Tibetan and latin without having to zoom it everything all the time.

Thanks for your help.