Cursor control issues with mutli-cursor and links/suggestions

This is an incredibly minor bug

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enter multiple lines of text
  2. Multi-cursor those lines
  3. Open with [[
  4. Try:
  • navigating (particularly Home/End)
  • pasting each line as an alias at the end of the link

Example markdown text for test:

- This
- has different length 
- lines to
- test

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

That I can navigate to the beginning/end of the line.

Actual result

The suggestion box takes over where it can (at least Home, End, Up, Down).


Obsidian version: v1.7.7
Installer version: v1.4.13
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 10.0.26100
Login status: logged in
Language: en
Catalyst license: none
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on


Additional information

Turning off suggestions with multi-cursor seems to be the ‘easy’ answer, though I don’t know how difficult that is to implement. While, I can’t think of a reason that anyone would need it, I know that every change will break someone’s workflow.

The only time I come across this bug is when trying to turn a list into file links. Specifically, I’m working to keep the displayed text while making the file names follow my personal format, so shift+home/end is used a lot.

This is not a bug and it is not tied to multi cursor either. It happens even with a single cursor. Home and end are captured by the suggestion popup window.

This may be a phrasing issue. It is not inherently a bug in the suggester or in multi-cursor alone, but rather it is a functional bug in the interaction between the two. Put differently:

  • I don’t know why the suggester would need to be used with multiple cursors; and
  • the only time suggester capturing home, end, or other navigational inputs would be an issue is when a user is using multiple cursors.

Though, even if suggester is intended to control in this situation, this would still be a bug because selecting anything from the suggester will insert the text at only the most recent cursor location instead of all the cursor locations and will terminate the multiple cursors.

I get it if this is so edge that it’s too unimportant to care about, but I can’t see how it’s not a functional bug as there’s nothing to indicate that it’s expected behavior.