CSS value for editing text in edit mode on mobile devices

Ah ha! You stumbled upon one of the few snippets that does work on desktop and Android(?), but doesn’t work on iOS/iPadOS: text-align: justify in the editor (in Reading view it’s fine). It worked up until mobile version 1.4.4 (99), but hasn’t worked from then on. I asked the team about it a while ago on Discord and it was speculated it was CodeMirror (the editor “engine”) related, but not sure why it stopped working.

By title do you mean the inline-title at the top of notes (Settings > Appearance → Show inline title)? If so, you could try this, for example:

.is-ios .inline-title {
    font-size: 1.5em; /* can be px as well */ 

As far as the mobile classes go, these are the ones I know of:

  • .is-mobile { ... } ← all mobile devices
  • .is-tablet { ... } ← tablet-sized devices
  • .is-phone { ... } ← phone-sized devices
  • .is-ios { ... } ← iOS devices – maybe iPadOS as well, but I haven’t checked
  • .is-android { ... } ← in the default app.css, but I’ve never tested it
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