@kkyang What value does the UID give you in your system that makes it worthwhile to go to the trouble to context switch? Obviously you could create a note with a normal file name inline…so why not use a note with a normal file name?
I’ve asked this of others but never gotten a response that made sense to me. The origin of the UID in the zettlekasten system was this: Luhman used a code because it was his backlink - it was a code to show how the handwritten card fit into his existing knowledge framework. When people began using electronic note keeping systems for zettleing they needed a unique id in order to link notes in the early database type systems. Thus was born the date/time stamp UID. But the purpose in all cases was to tie the note you’ve created into the structure of the existing knowledge base in a way that allows you to happen upon it again as you follow the a trail of knowledge in your system.
The backlink serves this purpose perfectly. Multiple backlinks even better. It is the value they provide. Unless you are planning to export all your notes into one of the old legacy systems (or maybe to the ever-promised nvUltra) why do you need a meaningless note title? (the UID).
Sorry that’s a longer diatribe than I intended but as I said I’ve asked this before and no one seems to have an answer (except “I’m future proofing” - uhmm how?)