TABLE WITHOUT ID regexreplace(Tasks.text, "\[.*$", "") AS Task, choice(Tasks.completed, "done", "todo") AS Status, Tasks.due AS "Due Date", Tasks.created AS "Created Date", Tasks.priority AS "Priority", Tasks.project as "Project", Tasks.keyword as "Keyword", Tasks.section AS "link", file.link AS "File"
from "films and tv series"
WHERE file.tasks
FLATTEN file.tasks AS Tasks
here are some test tasks:
## Tasks #tasks
- [ ] dickinson task with [priority:: 1] and keyword without tag [keyword:: week2]
- [ ] dickinson with tag as keyword [keyword:: #week2]
- [x] dickinson with tag as tag #week2
From a different page:
## Tasks
- [ ] watch the 1995 version (keyword:: pride)
- [ ] test task from Pride and Prejudice [created:: 2022-02-02]
- [ ] how about another on from P&P [keyword:: pride]
This works fine:
But if I add a WHERE clause at the end about Tasks.keyword, nothing works…
Does this help?