Could pages uploaded to be indexed by google? i dislike obsidian publish's status that you share a note to a friend, and he can read thru ALL pages you shared out in publish


as in title, if you share out 1 note in your obsidisn publish vault, then others could read thru everything in the vault you published. i dislike this idea.

yeah, the dev team will be unhappy, but myself is more happer with the plugin,
in which you can share out many notes, however others cant trace back and read your other notes, yet (useful sometimes, worrysome sometimes, selection is better).

the single problem of to me now is that my notes seems not indexed by google,
however from google if you use, you can see that some pages are indexed by google (see bottom)

this would be what i want. that i can share only a note and the reader cant trace back my other notes. this is imporant because if you share a note on a Benz and then a note on samsung phone and then a note on working as a doctor (in a specific hospital and specialty) and a note on being an asian, then someone could easily pick you up when you off duty.

just wish it be more easy to be indexed by google. thanks


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忽略资源(assets)和模板(Templates)两个文件夹,整体被分为两大块:收集(Inbox)和归档(Notes),内部都是接近平铺的简单结构。 Log 是用QuickAdd 自动添加的碎碎念,所以

I’m confused about whether you want your notes to be indexed by Google or not. Overall it sounds like you don’t but in some parts it sounds like you do.

Security and privacy - Obsidian Help says:

You can choose the notes you want to publish to Obsidian Publish. The rest of your notes stay safe in your vault.

Only the notes you choose to publish are sent to Obsidian’s servers, and any notes you unpublish are removed.

Rest easy! The dev team is happy for people to publish or share their Obsidian notes whatever way works best for them.

  1. i do want my notes to be indexed by google
  2. however i dont want that users could trace back 1 note and found my whole vault

for this, plugin works for 2 but not yet 1.
publish works for 1 but not 2.

what i hate is the “grab 1 note and trace back the whole vault” usage in obsn publish.

in obsius plugin this is not possible.

I understand better now but am still confused. Do you want unknown users on the internet to be able to find individual notes thru Google, but not the other notes that are in the same vault? If so, what you probably want is separate vaults (tho that probably doesn’t scale well and I imagine Publish might have an upperbkimitbtimthe allowed number of vaults).

Or, do you want to turn off the search and the file listing in the sidebar?

be short:
title ask how to use google to index

other things are unrelated.

Have you asked the people who run

no reply from them, i tried, thx

It’s not unrelated, since by indexing your published notes you’ll give access to your entire vault. Even though it won’t be through just removing a part of the path.

I’m unsure how obsius assign paths but if all your pages are indexed you can do something similar to Benz and find your page on Benz.

With that being said, I believe google respects the settings of robots.txt with regards to indexing or not, in addition to whether its WebCrawlers are able to crawl to the pages you want indexed. Another way to say the last part; pages to be indexed needs to be able to be traversed from some starting index page somewhere.