Copy block link, embed, footnote or URL with Templater

Copy Link to Block with Selection as Alias

Outputs: [[Filename#^id|ipsum]]

for selection ipsum

in Lorem ipsum ^id.

Templater script (10.5 KB)

 * Template Name: Copy Link to Block with Selection as Alias
 * Description: Extracts or generates a block ID from cursor position or selection and copies a reference as wikilink, adds alias if text is selected.
 * Version: 2.2
 * Author: Created via Claude
 * Source:
 * Last Updated: 2025-01-17

if (app.workspace.activeEditor.getMode() === "preview") {
    new Notice("Reading view isn't supported");

const editor =;
const selections = editor.listSelections();

if (selections.length > 1) {
    new Notice("Multiple selections or cursors aren't supported");
    tR = editor.getSelection();

function generateId() {
    return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 6);

function shouldInsertAfter(block) {
    if (block.type) {
        return [
    return block.heading !== undefined;

function isValidBlockId(id) {
    return /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test(id);

function findNearestNonEmptyLineAbove(editor, currentLine) {
    for (let i = currentLine - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const lineContent = editor.getLine(i).trim();
        if (lineContent !== '') {
            const isBlockId = lineContent.match(/^\^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/);
            if (!isBlockId) return i;
    return -1;

function findStandaloneBlockId(startLine, editor) {
    for (let i = startLine; i < editor.lineCount(); i++) {
        const line = editor.getLine(i).trim();
        if (line === '') continue;
        const match = line.match(/^\^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/);
        if (match) return match[1];
    return null;

function getInlineBlockId(line) {
    const match = line.match(/\s\^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/);
    return match ? match[1] : null;

function getBlock(editor, fileCache) {
    const cursor = editor.getCursor("to");
    const cursorLine = cursor.line;
    const currentLineContent = editor.getLine(cursorLine).trim();

    const currentSection = fileCache?.sections?.find(section =>
        section.position.start.line <= cursorLine &&
        section.position.end.line >= cursorLine

    if (currentSection?.type === "table") {
        const blockId = findStandaloneBlockId(currentSection.position.end.line + 1, editor);
        return {
            id: blockId,
            type: blockId ? 'text-with-standalone-id' : 'table'

    if (currentLineContent.match(/^\^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/)) {
        const blockLine = findNearestNonEmptyLineAbove(editor, cursorLine);
        if (blockLine === -1) return null;
        const section = fileCache?.sections?.find(section => 
            section.position.start.line <= blockLine && 
            section.position.end.line >= blockLine

        if (section?.type === "list") {
            return {
                id: currentLineContent.substring(1),
                type: 'text-with-standalone-id'

        return {
            position: {
                start: { line: blockLine, ch: 0 },
                end: { line: blockLine, ch: editor.getLine(blockLine).length }
            type: 'text-with-standalone-id',
            id: currentLineContent.substring(1)

    if (currentSection?.type === "list") {
        const listItem = fileCache?.listItems?.find(item =>
            item.position.start.line <= cursorLine &&
            item.position.end.line >= cursorLine &&
            currentLineContent === editor.getLine(item.position.start.line).trim()

        if (listItem) {
            const standaloneId = findStandaloneBlockId(listItem.position.end.line + 1, editor);
            if (currentLineContent === '' && standaloneId) {
                return {
                    id: standaloneId,
                    type: 'text-with-standalone-id'
            return listItem;
        } else {
            const standaloneId = findStandaloneBlockId(currentSection.position.end.line + 1, editor);
            if (standaloneId && currentLineContent === '') {
                return {
                    id: standaloneId,
                    type: 'text-with-standalone-id'
            return currentSection;
    } else if (currentSection?.type === "heading") {
        const heading = fileCache.headings.find(heading =>
            heading.position.start.line === currentSection.position.start.line
        if (heading) {
            const headingLine = editor.getLine(heading.position.start.line);
            const inlineId = getInlineBlockId(headingLine);
            if (inlineId) {
                return {...heading, id: inlineId, type: 'text-with-standalone-id'};
            const standaloneId = findStandaloneBlockId(heading.position.start.line + 1, editor);
            if (standaloneId) {
                return {...heading, id: standaloneId, type: 'text-with-standalone-id'};
            return heading;
    } else if (currentSection) {
        const standaloneId = findStandaloneBlockId(currentSection.position.end.line + 1, editor);
        if (standaloneId) {
            return {
                id: standaloneId,
                type: 'text-with-standalone-id'
        return currentSection;

    const prevLine = cursorLine - 1;
    if (prevLine >= 0) {
        const prevSection = fileCache?.sections?.find(section => 
            section.type === "list" && section.position.end.line === prevLine
        if (prevSection) {
            const standaloneId = findStandaloneBlockId(cursorLine + 1, editor);
            if (standaloneId && currentLineContent === '') {
                return {
                    id: standaloneId,
                    type: 'text-with-standalone-id'
            if (currentLineContent === '') {
                return {
                    position: {
                        start: { line: cursorLine, ch: 0 },
                        end: { line: cursorLine, ch: 0 }
                    type: 'empty-after-list'

    if (currentLineContent !== '') {
        const standaloneId = findStandaloneBlockId(cursorLine + 1, editor);
        return {
            position: {
                start: { line: cursorLine, ch: 0 },
                end: { line: cursorLine, ch: editor.getLine(cursorLine).length }
            type: standaloneId ? 'text-with-standalone-id' : 'text',
            id: standaloneId

    return null;

function checkSelectionSpansBlocks(from, to, fileCache, editor) {
    const listItems = fileCache?.listItems || [];
    const selectedItems = listItems.filter(item => {
        const itemStart = item.position.start.line;
        let itemEnd = item.position.end.line;
        if (findStandaloneBlockId(itemEnd + 1, editor)) {
            itemEnd += 2;
        return (itemStart >= from.line && itemStart <= to.line) || 
               (itemEnd >= from.line && itemEnd <= to.line) ||
               (itemStart <= from.line && itemEnd >= to.line);

    if (selectedItems.length > 1) return true;

    const sections = fileCache?.sections || [];
    const selectedSections = sections.filter(section => {
        const sectionStart = section.position.start.line;
        let sectionEnd = section.position.end.line;
        if (findStandaloneBlockId(sectionEnd + 1, editor)) {
            sectionEnd += 2;
        return (sectionStart >= from.line && sectionStart <= to.line) || 
               (sectionEnd >= from.line && sectionEnd <= to.line) ||
               (sectionStart <= from.line && sectionEnd >= to.line);

    return selectedSections.length > 1;

async function handleBlock(file, editor, block) {
    let blockId;
    if (block.type === 'text-with-standalone-id' || {
        blockId =;
    } else {
        blockId = generateId();
        const currentLine = block.position.end.line;
        if (block.type === 'empty-after-list') {
            await editor.replaceRange("\n", {line: currentLine - 1, ch: editor.getLine(currentLine - 1).length});
            const nextLineEmpty = currentLine + 2 < editor.lineCount() && editor.getLine(currentLine + 2).trim() === '';
            await editor.replaceRange(`^${blockId}${nextLineEmpty ? '' : '\n'}`, {line: currentLine + 1, ch: 0});
        } else if (shouldInsertAfter(block)) {
            const nextLineEmpty = currentLine + 1 < editor.lineCount() && editor.getLine(currentLine + 1).trim() === '';
            if (!nextLineEmpty) {
                await editor.replaceRange("\n\n", {line: currentLine, ch: editor.getLine(currentLine).length});
                await editor.replaceRange(`^${blockId}\n`, {line: currentLine + 2, ch: 0});
            } else {
                await editor.replaceRange("\n", {line: currentLine + 1, ch: 0});
                await editor.replaceRange(`^${blockId}\n`, {line: currentLine + 2, ch: 0});
        } else {
            await editor.replaceRange(` ^${blockId}`, {
                line: currentLine,
                ch: block.position.end.col || editor.getLine(currentLine).length
    const selectedText = editor.getSelection().trim();
    return selectedText ? `[[${file.basename}#^${blockId}|~ ${selectedText}]]` : `[[${file.basename}#^${blockId}]]`;

const view =;
if (!view) return;

const selection = editor.getSelection();

if (selection && checkSelectionSpansBlocks(editor.getCursor('from'), editor.getCursor('to'),, editor)) {
    new Notice("Selections spanning multiple blocks aren't supported");
    tR = selection;

const block = getBlock(editor,;
if (!block) {
    tR = selection;

const result = await handleBlock(view.file, editor, block);
if (result) {
    await navigator.clipboard.writeText(result);
    new Notice("Copied to your clipboard");
tR = selection;

Alternative solution

Carry-Forward has a command that achieves this but it seems to be bugged.

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