Copy as Latex

Copy chunks of markdown as Latex - quick and easy way to transfer notes into e.g. overleaf for creating full documents. Currently works with basic structural elements (headings, lists), citations in ([[@key]] format), some footnotes and cross references.

GitHub: GitHub - mo-seph/obsidian-copy-as-latex: Quick plugin to be able to copy/paste from Obsidian/Markdown into a Latex document

If you select this markdown text:

### SubSub Heading

Here is a list:
- item 1
- item 2
- item 3
	- subitem 3.1
	- subitem 3.2

1. First numbered item
2. Second numbered item

you can call Copy as Latex, and then it will put this on the clipboard:

\subsubsection{SubSub Heading}

Here is a list:

	\item item 1
	\item item 2
	\item item 3
		\item subitem 3.1
		\item subitem 3.2

	\item First numbered item
	\item Second numbered item

I’ve updated this to version 0.1.9 - it now supports multiple ways of doing citations, and adding missing citations to bibtex files.