Conditional linking? Or separate linking tags?

Things I have tried

Creating extra in between nodes

What I’m trying to do

Link based on conditions

Say there are 3 people Jack, John, Jason

I want to show different relationships among them. I want to show that Jack and John are friends, while John and Jason are foes. Jason and Jack are friends.

Is there anyway to do that? It is like link and tags at the same time. I want to be able to:

  1. toggle friends, and it would only show links between Jack - John, Jack - Jason.
  2. toggle foes, and it would only show a link between John and Jason

I’d do this through the metadata.

So you can add a field “friends” and then add the names of those in each persona note.

I want to show different relationships among them. I want to show that Jack and John are friends, while John and Jason are foes. Jason and Jack are friends.

friends: John, Jason

friends: Jack
foes: Json

friends: Jack
foes: John

To then toggle things, it can get pretty tricky. I explained how you can edit metadata using a swap button that toggles between things, not like in this example though, would need some editing.

thanks for the response. I don’t quite understand it and how to implement it. I will probably wait until obsidian adds the feature if ever, or see if other people have the same problem and then take their solution.

It’s pretty advanced, took me a while to get this right.
There might be other solutions though, don’t give up :slight_smile:

Yeah. Toggling is just half of it. It’s alot better to see all the relationships all displayed at once.

One of the core usefulness of obsidian is its networking of ideas. You would think this would be a core feature. Visualization of Network relationships beyond one simple link.

Maybe it’s not easy to implement for the devs.

Basically different color links is all we need.

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