Collecting text from multiple notes under the same heading

Things I have tried

I have googled and read documentation quite a bit but have not found a solution to this.

What I’m trying to do

I want to use daily notes to write in diary style things I need to jot down during the day. I have a project folder with notes for each project, but I would still like to keep daily notes that keep track of what happens that day. However, I would like to be able to indicate that parts of my daily note is related to certain projects. E.g., if I have a folder called projects and a project called tomato I would like to be able to e.g. use the heading tomato and have all of what is written under there show up in my tomato project note (projects/tomato). Kind of similar to what checklist or task does, but for headings I guess. Any ideas how to solve this?

An example with dataview plugin (notes need to be written as a bullet point lists under a specific under).

Daily Notes


Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed erat nulla, scelerisque at consectetur vel, lobortis quis mauris.

## tomato

- this note is related with the project "tomato"
- need to talk with john about the main page
- metting with the team

other things under the same header/section that I don't want to collect
- need to plan next steps

## another subject
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet eu nibh sed pharetra. Praesent sit amet magna vel lacus condimentum finibus id ac quam.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer aliquet eu nibh sed pharetra. Praesent sit amet magna vel lacus condimentum finibus id ac quam.

## tomato
This is a global summary:
- review phase 3
- define tasks to the next phase

Other content...

## books
Praesent sit amet magna vel lacus condimentum finibus id ac quam. 


(dataview query)

	key AS "Date",
	rows.L.text AS "Tomato notes"
FROM "your/folder/path"
FLATTEN file.lists AS L
WHERE meta(L.section).subpath =
  • replace "your/folder/path" by your daily notes folder path
  • if project title different from header title, you can also replace WHERE meta(L.section).subpath = by WHERE meta(L.section).subpath = "tomato"


Thanks a lot! Works nicely. In the daily note I enter the headline as links, e.g. # [[/project/ongoing/tomato]], this way I am certain that I don’t misspell “tomato” (in this case).

Do you think it will be possible to get the section below the heading in the near future, not just only a list? And possibly not displayed as a table?

I’m not sure if I understand your goal. Something like this?

LIST rows.L.text
FROM "your/folder/path"
FLATTEN file.lists AS L
WHERE meta(L.section).subpath =

If not, please leave a schema.

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