Love this idea. Seems like a game changer to me.
Navigating the explorer tree was part of the reason I suggested a global vault auto MOC builder and explorer tree structure bidirectional mirroring foldable and editable comp note. I know it kind of cuts against the grain, but anything that adds value without impeding is worth it although I admit not top priority.
I mention this here because if you built the MOC intelligently, there would never be a reason to collapse as you could just navigate to the root MOC section which would have the second tier folders as unfoldable links/headings.
So in an instance where you truly wanted explorer specific functionality like moving images, you could just navigate using the MOC with all its bells and whistles the use your reveal in explorer hotkey.
I am having second thoughts about posting this here as it is tangential, but posting it within my request then linking to that from here is hardly any better.
My apologies, but this request got me excited about the all in one idea that is seeming more attractive by the minute.
Anyways, here is the link: Global vault note that includes everything
Thanks you.