Collaborative publishing: Open in Live Site generates `%20` not `/` for link

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Steps to reproduce

With collaborative publishing set up, go to Publish, then right-click on “Deleted” next to a note that is on the published site but not and select the pop-up “Open in Live Site”.

Expected result

Open the correstponding page on the published site.

Actual result

“File note found” error message – because the sitename is followed by %20 rather than /.


  • Operating system: macOS 12.3.1
  • Debug info:

Additional information

Might be fixed. I cannot reproduce it anymore. – But see what xbeta has found (below).

Also found this bug when I test collaborative publishing.
Obsidian v0.14.9 , win 11

the url should be :
but the browser visited :
missed the / between sitename xbeta and foldername txt

will be fixed 0.14.10

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