Steps to reproduce
- open obsidian sandbox vault
- create new folder
- put a PDF in the vault (I placed mine at root folder)
- open the PDF in a new tab. there are now two tabs: Start Here and pdf.
- click and drag pdf tab to open in split view
- click on text of Start Here tab to focus the tab
- click on the body of the pdf to attempt to focus the tab (issue)
- e.g. ctrl + f dialog in this state will open the find dialog on the Start Here tab, not on the pdf tab
- instead of clicking the body of the pdf to focus the tab, click the tab handle at the top. now, ctrl + f and other actions that target the focused tab work as intended
- in my main vault, I also have the command
Focus on tab group to the left/right
bound as keyboard shortcuts, and those keyboard shortcut still works. I didn’t try this in the sandbox vault, however.
Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]
Expected result
pdf in split view should focus when clicked
Actual result
pdf in split view does not focus when clicked
Obsidian version: v1.8.4
Installer version: v1.8.4
Operating system: Windows 11 Home 10.0.22631
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Additional information
I don’t believe this was happening before v1.8.4, but I have not personally verified this.