Click links/files to open in new tab by default

Hi everyone! I’m the author of Vertical Tabs. After some hours of experimenting, I finally get this feature work. The main reason I want to support this is because,

  1. Personally, I want to keep every note I opened, not to be replaced by some newly-opened notes.
  2. Obsidian’s default causes some issues for users of Vertical Tabs, for example, the new tab appears in some unexpected places.

My implementation should work everywhere, in principle, not only for links or the file browser, but also like when open a new note from commands or ribbon buttons. See the demo below. However, this feature might not be publicly available for a while, because it will break some functionality. As far as I know, the Word Counter won’t work. Hope there’s a better way to achieve this! Another feature to be used with “always open in new tab” is called “Tab deduplicating”, which is still being tested. Together, they should bring the IDE-like tab management to Obsidian.
