Changing bullet list markdown into personalized list

@Wiccarium added a few lines in the middle part there. i try to follow conventions as much as i know. if u find it break (possible if u use some extensive community theme), we may need to increase the specificity to make it get priority

    /* replace the default "bullet" with "chevron" icon, unset default bullet */
    :is(.cm-fold-indicator:hover,*) ~ .list-bullet::after,
    .list-bullet::after {
        width: unset; height: unset;
        background-color: unset;
        box-shadow: none;
    /* make first bullet em dash */
    .HyperMD-list-line-1 .list-bullet::after,
    .HyperMD-list-line-1 :is(.cm-fold-indicator:hover,*) ~ .list-bullet::after,
    div > ul > li > .list-bullet::after {
    /* add text color and replace the collapsed state of the default like bg and box shadow */
    .is-collapsed ~ .cm-formatting-list .list-bullet::after, .list-bullet::after {
        color: var(--list-marker-color-collapsed);
        box-shadow: none;
        background-color: transparent;