Can't get Snippet to apply to theme

What I’m trying to do:

Hello! Very green user, here. Not a programmer.

I have just downloaded a new theme (AnuPpuccin) and for the first time am trying to use the CSS snippet per the theme’s instruction in order to apply the colored folders.

What I’ve tried:

I have downloaded the file (custom-rainbow-colors.css) as instructed. I was able to locate the hidden Snippets folder. I reloaded snippets, and Obsidian recognizes the file. I then turned on the snippet, but no change in appearance to my folders or theme.

I then verified that the file was indeed not a rtf, by opening it a text editor, where the option available for Format is to change to Rich Text. (Which I of course ignored.)

I tried restarting my Obsidian app just in case. I also created a copy of the contents of the CSS file in a text application, which I saved as CSS as well under a different name. Obsidian sees this as well, but doesn’t do anything with it.

I am using a 2020 Macbook Pro, and Obsidian Sync.

Can anyone help meowt?

Thanks in advance!


Do you have the Style Settings community plugin installed? You will need that for most themes to actually be able to customise them and the AnuPpuccin theme (highly customisable as far as I know) and this snippet are no different.

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Just had a look and I do indeed have Style Settings, mhm.

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