Calendarium/April's Timeline Start Date Issue

What I’m trying to do

I’m starting with a fresh install of both “April’s Automatic Timeline” and “Calendarium”. I can get the event to show up in my the calendar, but the event shown in the timeline has “start date missing”.

Things I have tried

I’ve tried adding both the fc-date and aat-event-start properties into my event to no avail.

I had the same issue. As best I can tell AAT doesn’t like the format that Calendarium uses for fc-date, even though it was a big enough deal to give it it’s own setting. Basically it’s looking for something in the form of YYYY-MM-DD and Calendarium has the form {“day”:DD,“month”:DD,“year”:YYYY}. If you put fc-date in the format AAT wants, Calendarium will stop being able to read your event so you have two choices at the moment:
A) Go into the settings for April’s Automatic Timeline and turn off the option to use fantasy calendar keys. Then use the fc-date key for the date in your calendarium calendar only and the aat-event-start-date key to register the start date in your timelines.

B) figure out how to write a regex that can read the date in the format Calendarium/Fantasy Calendar uses, and then go to Date format settings > advanced and past that sucker in the “Date parser regex” field.

I am positively lost when it comes to regex so I opted for route A, but if you try route be and it works out for you, I would love to hear what you came up with.