Calculated front matter

I use obsidian to track goals, for example, I’m reading a book and I have a due date and a number of pages I want to read each day. So, my frontmatter has something like the following

currentPage: 153
goalDueDate: 2022-08-03 

I want to add a primary indicator variable to my frontmatter which is “curretPage / 45” (45 being the amount of pages per day)

Is there some way I can add a calculated field to my front matter (or page metadata)?

currentPage: 153
goalDueDate: 2022-08-03 
goalIndicator: currentPage / 45

Doing this requires the use of a community plugin. The most commonly used one that does this is dataview (which does a whole lot of other things too). You would be using the one-line one-backtick “inline queries” option. I think this ddoes not quite yet work in Live Preview - you have to go to reading view to see yhe calculated result - but it looks like from the dataview github repository like ir wwill soon! There may be other community plugin options as well.

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