Bulllet Functions (Folding Parents, Children, and Selections)

If you know how to do any of the below, please lmk!

I use layers of folded bullets within headers to help me take notes. One page has easily 300+ bullets that span from indent 0 to indent 7.

These features would be super useful to efficiently navigate those bullets.

Paste Bullets at Indent level
Right now, when copy-pasting bullets from another document, their indent is set to 0. This is true even if the first bullet is pasted at an indent.

It would be useful if their indent position of subsequent bullets is at least as much as the indent of the first bullet that’s pasted.

Toggle parent bullet fold
This would detect the parent bullet of a given bullet, and then fold that bullet at a keystroke.

Fold all within selection
The “Fold more” command doesn’t efficiently fold everything within a selection. It needs to be toggled a few times, which is tricky if you have indents 4 levels deep.

Instead, we should be able to “fold all” that can be folded within a selection.

Fold bullets (not headers)
This would fold all the bullets in the document (or selection), but not the headers.

Unfold headers (not bullets)
This would unfold all the headers in the document (or selection), but keep the bullets as folded as they already were.

Automatically promote child bullets when parent is deleted
Right now, the child bullet is kept at its original level.

Instead, it could be automatically promoted such that bullets never more than one indentation apart.