Bullet points to checkboxes

Hi there,

I have a somewhat strange question to which I can’t seem to find an answer in the forum.

For my particular usage of Obsidian, I have no use for bullet points but constant need or checkboxes. At the moment, I find myself having to type out checkboxes in the customary notation “- ” which becomes rather tiring with time. (I realise you can create another checkbox in the following line by pressing Enter, but I still end up having to type them out more often than I would like.) Is there a way to modify the notation such that a simple “-” would produce a checkbox rather than a bullet point?

Thanks for any pointers.

You can use a text expander like Espanso to expand a character combination like “;-“ to a checkbox, or set up the ToggleList plugin to toggle list states with a hotkey.

As @Synchronicity suggested, a hotkey seems like an easy solution to get what you want. You actually don’t need a plugin sice this is already part of Obsidian’s core functionality. In the Hotkey settings, assign the Toggle checkbox status command to your preferred choice. The default is Ctrl + L, but you can change it to whatever you want.

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Thanks, but I’m not trying to make toggling the checkbox easier. Rather, I’d like to make it easier to create one. Will try to use hotkeys as per your suggestion

This command also inserts a check box if none is present.

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Ah! Thanks for clarifying

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