[BUG] URI to open second not working correctly - delayed operation

I have found the cause of this issue and I will start working on a patch once the next mobile version has been released.


Steps to reproduce

On iOS:

  • Trigger an “open” url to change vault, eg obsidian://open?vault=MyVault (you can do this using the Open URL action in Shortcuts, for example. That’s how I do it and how I found this bug.). This will work first time, so if you’re in MyOtherVault, it’ll switch to MyVault.
  • Trigger it again for another vault name, to switch to MyOtherVault. It’ll stay in MyVault.
  • Try to manually change to MyOtherVault. Pressing the vault button in the sidebar will change the vault for you, to the vault requested in the deeplink.
  • The vault button won’t let you manually change a vault now until you kill the app. It’ll just keep triggering the deeplink.

Expected result

  1. The vault should always change automatically using the deeplink format above.
  2. The Vault button in the sidebar should always show the vault picker view.

Actual result

  • Using the url scheme to change vaults failed after the first time.
  • Using the Vault button in the sidebar just keeps triggering the failed url scheme deeplink rather than showing the vault picker.


  • Operating system: iOS 15.2
  • Debug info:
    Isn’t showing on the iOS command picker…

Additional information


I can confirm this. Seeing this as well.

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I just made an iOS shortcut today and I’m seeing this issue too!

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I am also seeing this issue.

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I am also experiencing this issue. If the Obsidian app is already running, then using obsidian://open?vault=MyVault to switch to a different vault will appear to do nothing, and I’ll remain in my current vault, viewing my current note.

As soon as I tap the vault switcher icon, it will very briefly flash the vault switcher screen and then automatically switch to the vault previously specified in the URL, and show me the last note I had been viewing from the specified vault.

From now on, every time I tap the vault switcher icon, it does the same thing, giving me no opportunity to select a different vault via the switcher screen.

However, if I run a different shortcut URL such as obsidian://open?vault=MyVault2, the same thing will happen. I will seem to remain in vault 1, but as soon as I tap the vault switcher icon, it will very briefly flash the vault switcher screen and then take me to my last viewed note in MyVault2. It will then remain stuck on MyVault2 until I either kill the app or run yet another shortcut URL to force it to switch to another vault (and remain stuck there).

I’m on the very latest public release of Obsidian mobile 1.1.0 (38) on iOS 15.3.1

I’m a paid user of the Sync service and I love Obsidian. But an annoying bug prevents me from using it effectively on Android.

Steps to reproduce:
– Create two vaults: A et B.
– Close Obsidian and open the URI obsidian://open?vault=A.
– The vault opens properly.
– Leave Obsidian running the background and open the URI obsidian://open?vault=B.
– Obsidian opens up but still shows vault A.
– Close Obsidian entirely and open again the URI obsidian://open?vault=B. This time around, Obsidian properly opens vault B.

– Opening a vault using a URI should switch to that vault, even if another vault is already open.

– Android 11 RKQ1.200826.002 (rom: MIUI 12.1.4 stable).
– Obsidian Android version 1.1.0 (38), API v0.13.24.


Seeing this issue on iPad as well.

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This bug seems to be at least three months old? It’s pretty annoying, would love to see it get fixed.


I want to use an iOS shortcut to launch a specific vault, but this problem prevents me from doing so.

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This bug hasn’t been fixed yet.

Can confirm I have the issue on Android too with the latest Obsidian version.

Any plans? This is very really annoying in terms of productivity… Thanks!!!

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It still hasn’t been fixed in the latest release that came out today.


Still happening. It’s pretty fundamental. Completed 1y anniversary now.


Is there any update on this?

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No. For the record, you don’t need to ask. We are very diligent about updating issues and threads when progress is made.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Make sure you have two vaults ready to test this bug. I’ll call them A and B below.
  2. Create a note in A containing a link [Link to vault B](obsidian://vault/B)
  3. On desktop (macOS, 16.3), observe that this link works as expected to open vault B from a link in a note in vault A.
  4. On iOS/iPadOS (current TestFlight v1.3.2 (69)), observe that tapping/clicking the link does nothing except put edit focus on the link source text (ala Live Preview).

Expected result

Tapping an obsidian:// link on iOS/iPadOS should navigate to that link per the usual Obsidian URL scheme definitions.

Actual result

Nothing happens, except the link text is now expanded for editing per normal Live Preview behavior. Contrast to tapping on a [[Wiki Link]] or link to an https:// URL, both of which immediately navigate to the target note.

BONUS BUG: During testing, I observed that after tapping on an link to an obsidian:// URL, the “Open another vault” command becomes somewhat broken. Invoking that command appears to jump immediately to another vault, but the logic of which vault isn’t apparently. Eventually it appears to get “stuck” on the then-current vault. YMMV. On repeated trials, I could occasionally see what I think is the vault selection dialog flash VERY briefly before immediately disappearing. Fixing this bad behavior requires killing the Obsidian app then restarting it.


iPadOS 15.7
iOS: 16.0.2

  • Debug info:

NOTE: This is the debug info for my main vault, but I’ve tested the bug as replicating on a default new vault.

Operating system: ios 15.7 (Apple iPad)
Obsidian version: 1.3.2 (69)
API version: v0.15.9
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: supporter
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: light
Community theme: Minimal
Snippets enabled: 2
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 15
Plugins enabled: 13
1: Kanban v1.3.20
2: Admonition v9.0.5
3: Advanced new file v1.4.1
4: Contextual Typography v2.2.4
5: Dataview v0.5.46
6: Footlinks v0.1.7
7: Footnote Shortcut v0.0.9
8: Markdown Insert Plugin v1.0.1
9: Minimal Theme Settings v5.3.2
10: Note Refactor v1.7.1
11: Periodic Notes v0.0.17
12: Style Settings v0.4.11
13: Advanced Tables v0.17.3

Additional information

The obsidian:// URL scheme otherwise works correctly on both iOS and iPadOS at the tested versions above: via a Shortcut, via direct entry into the Safari location bar, etc. This problem AFAIK is exclusive to links from within Obsidian itself.


Confirmed in Obsidian 1.4 on iPadOS 15.7.

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Adding +1 to this — it would be very welcome functionality.

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