Do not show community plugins view when while Restricted mode is active


[x] iOS
[ ] Android

Obsidian Mobile version: v1.4.1

This may also apply to desktop, but I haven’t tested that.

When a new user who has not disabled Restricted mode clicks on an Obsidian plugin link like obsidian://show-plugin?id=dataview, the plugin install window opens and allows the user to install the plugin. At that point, tapping the Enable button has no effect. This is certain to confuse new users.

Instead, if Restricted mode is on, obsidian://show-plugin links should go to the “Turn on community plugins” screen, and then proceed to the plugin screen if plugins are enabled.

Or, if that latter is too difficult, just take them to the Community Plugins screen and let them go back and click the link again if they wish to install the plugin.

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ok, I think the current behaviour is okay. Could be improved. Please open a feature request for it.

If the user installs the plugin but can’t enable it, where’s the security issue?

Restricted mode is about running plugins, not installing.

Then why is it impossible to install plugins if the user deliberately enables Restricted mode? Why was that implemented?

you can still have previously installed plugins or manually installed ones. This is more an UI nuance than a security issue.

So why prohibit installation of plugins when Restricted mode has been activated?