[Bug] obsidian restarts itself in Bluetooth keyboard connection and floating windows resize


[ ] iOS
[x] Android

Obsidian Mobile version: v1.4.0

when the device is connected/disconnected to/from a Bluetooth keyboard (tested on logitech k380), obsidian restarts itself, interrupting all work.

when obsidian is in split-screen or floating windows (tested on Samsung tablet’s OneUI), if also restarts itself every time I want to resize its windows.

it’s been there for months, and I hope it can be fixed soon.

thank you very much in advance.



I experience this every time I connect my bluetooth keyboard (Android).


Related to this - Connecting/disconnecting Bluetooth keyboard causes Android app to restart

Is it on backlog?

Let’s keep only one bug report open. This: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/connecting-disconnecting-bluetooth-keyboard-causes-android-app-to-restart/28776.